Meeting called to order by Council President Paul Hildebrand, on Monday, July 8th, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. All town council members were present with the exception of Councilman Matt Huffman. All present joined in giving the Pledge to our Flag.
Minutes of June 10, 2013 were read. There being no additions, corrections or deletions to said minutes they were approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented motion to accept and pay claims made by Robert Branigan, second by Paul Hildebrand. Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Robert Branigan, second by Paul Hildebrand. Motion carried.
Town Manager’s Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshal’s Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report. None.
Concerns/Comments from the Public:
John Dobson and Charles Maki asked when the yards on Vine Street were going to be
fixed; John Ingram stated that Holman would be here in the next two weeks get that
project finished.
Gene Pitts of the Milan Lions Club thanked the Town for the Fireworks, Pitts stated that the fireworks was well attended and that he had heard a lot of positive feedback about the fireworks show. Council President Hildebrand stated that the Town would support the fireworks for as long as the budget would allow. Pitts also brought up that the Lions Club had replaced all the lighting at the Walking Path in the park and that there were several of the old lights that could be sold, Council President Hildebrand stated that any proceeds for the sale of the lights could be kept by the Lions Club since they had taken on the replacement project.
Phyllis Coe asked if there was any more information on the Lake project. Council President Hildebrand stated that as of this time CSX is not wanting to contribute to the project and he (Hildebrand) had been in contact with several agencies trying to find a financial solution to this project. Council President Hildebrand stated that the Southeast Regional Planning Commission was in the application process for a grant from Lawrenceburg and if that money comes through then the Town would seek money from a federal level to make up the difference. Phyllis also asked about the Arkenberg building on Main Street. Council President Hildebrand stated that the building was now property of the Town thanks to the donation from Frank Arkenberg. Council President Hildebrand went on to say that the building would be torn down and cleaned up.
Sally Gosmeyer of the Milan Beautification committee stated that the city of Greendale had donated 2 planters and requested that they be put at the park. Council President Hildebrand stated that he would give the information to the park board and have them carry out the project.
Anita Pitts asked about the trimming around the town buildings and curbs and Council President Hildebrand instructed Town Manager Ingram to see that this was done.
Rita Ester asked what could be done about the old Chris Volz Farm, per town attorney Larry Eaton, since this is a farm there really wasn’t anything that could be done about the property needing mowing. Ester asked what about along the roadway coming into town past the property, Council President Hildebrand stated that the town would bush hog in front of that property and Town Manager Ingram was clear to do this.
Linda Baurley of the Milan Main Street Committee stated that the organization was in the process of reapplying for tax exemption 501 C 3, she has spoken to several other Main Street committee’s and they were approved for this allowing them to received grants and federal monies. Linda also stated that she had been visiting local businesses and advising them the Committee was offering $300 grants to business owners in town.
Old Business:
President Hildebrand brought up the black top project and Town Manager Ingram is
having a meeting with O’Mara on Friday July 12th. Council President Hildebrand
asked Ingram to get pricing on additional work on Ellis out past the bridge and
also the corners of Faulker and Josephine and Main and Morrell.
Council President Hildebrand made motion to accept the low quote from Holman Excavating to tear down the Arkenberg building on Main Street as long as he could finish the storm sewer project and take down the house with in 30 days. Councilman Branigan second, motion carried.
New Business:
Council President Hildebrand stated that due to recent resignations from the park
board, only one person remained on the board and that was Kevin Walters, Council
President Hildebrand stated that Walters wanted to remain on the board. Council
President Hildebrand made a motion to have Walters remain on the board and that
Chris Kelly, Yatzie Roysden, Tony Lonneman and Ben Hoffman be appointed, Branigan
second, motion carried.
Council President Hildebrand requested that Town Manager Ingram put up 15 minute parking signs on the north side of west Carr Street in front of the Post Office and the Gas Company along with extending the yellow no parking stripe on the curb in front of the Post Office drop box.
Council President Hildebrand requested that Town Manager Ingram put up no right turn signs and do not enter signs on all the streets that come into west Carr Street as this is a one way street and we have several vehicles going the wrong way on west Carr Street on a daily basis.
Councilman Branigan made a motion that the Town Attorney draft a letter to the occupants of 701 Wood Street, This property belongs to the Town and a lease agreement needs to be in place or the occupants need to vacate the property. Council President Hildebrand second, motion carried.