Meeting called to order by Deb Shumate, council President, on Monday August 10, 2020 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Council member Mark Marsee was absent from meeting.
Minutes of July 13, 2020 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, Drew Olman made motion to approve, Debbie Shumate seconded. All ayes.
Claims/Financials: After review of the Payment/Payroll presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew, seconded by Debbie. All Ayes. Motion carried
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: No report.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Sally Gosmeyer asked for clarification on the paving and new sidewalk installation. John gave an update and explained that it was scheduled to be done before it gets too cold.
Eric Karstetter inquired about property not being upkept close to his business. He would like the same consideration as property owners in Town. After much discussion, Debbie asked John to make sure and follow up with the property owner in question and get it cleaned up. She also, wanted to make sure he keeps up with the cleaning and mowing notices.
Sally Gosmeyer pointed out some unkept properties around Town.
Old Business:
Solicitation Request for Friends of Milan Football was approved and fee waived by a motion from Drew and seconded by Debbie. Motion passed. All ayes.
Second reading of Ordinance 7-13-2020-1 (Bad Debt Policy & Procedures) was approved by a motion from Drew and seconded by Debbie. Motion passed. All ayes.
New Business:
Miscellaneous Business:
Debbie Shumate informed the audience about the upcoming Christmas Holiday Walk meeting. This meeting will be held on 8/20/2020 at 6:00 at the Thrifty Gypsy.
Drew moves to adjourn meeting and Debbie Seconds. Meeting adjourned
Members present were Deborah Shumate and Andrew Olman.
All present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
First order of business: Purchase of new truck for sewer plant. Quotes were presented. Batesville Chrysler awarded quote by a motion from Drew and a second from Debbie. Motion passed. All ayes. Clerk instructed to check into moving funds in order to pay for purchase from the General Fund.
Second order of business: Personal sidewalks were discussed. John was asked to check into handicap accessibility and to make sure everything is completed according to specs. He was also asked to get price on pads. This matter was tabled to obtain more information, before making any decision.
Third order of business: Mary McCarty gave Council an update on the OCRA grant. This included changes and deadline updates.
Deb Shumate made motion to Adjourn. Drew seconded.
All Ayes. Meeting adjourned.