Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, on Monday March 9, 2020 at 6:30 pm. All members present. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of February meetings were presented. There being no corrections, Drew Olman made motion to approve all meetings. Mark Marsee seconded. All ayes. Minutes approved as written.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Mark, seconded by Drew. All ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report : Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshal.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Shelly Bruce.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Michael Norman, owner of the Milan Laundry, came before the Council for the second time. He is still having an issue with our Police Dept. not returning his calls. He states that he would like to have a follow up with the dept. and to find a good way to make it work between his business and them. He needs a way to keep his business and his customers safe. Debbie addressed Officer Wilson stating that he needs to come up with a system to answer and return calls.
Old/Continuing Business:
Street lights: John stated he has prices from Poole Group concerning piers.
Debbie Shumate stated she has set a meeting on 3/16/2020 to discuss the Town clean-up
New Business:
Solicitation request for Milan Ladies Aux., Milan Summer Baseball and Sons of American Legion were presented to Council. All three were approved and fee waive by a motion from Drew and a second by Mark. All ayes.
Misc. Business:
Kerry McConnell from SIRPC, gave a presentation on low to moderate income home rehab.
Tim Schipps, from USDA, discussed with Council the need for more work to be done on the habitat in the park. He needs approval for proceeding with the spraying and reseeding. Mark made motion to proceed, Drew seconded. All ayes.
Mark made motion to adjourn, Drew seconded. All ayes. Meeting Adjourned.