Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, on Monday July 11, 2022 at 6:30 pm. Council members present were Deborah Shumate and Mark Marsee. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of June meetings were presented. There being no corrections, Mark made motion to approve. Debbie, seconded. All ayes. Minutes approved as written.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review Of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Mark, seconded by Debbie. All ayes. Motion carried.
Town Report: Same presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshal.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented Derek Helton.
Old/Continuing Business:
Second reading of Ordinance 90 was approved by a motion from Mark and seconded by Debbie, Attorney Fledderman will take care of publications.
Insurance renewal: Doug will get best price and act accordingly to renew.
Garbage renewal: Two sealed bids were submitted, one from Rumpke and another from Best Way. Mark made motion to accept Rumpke bid with Debbie seconding. All ayes.
Romeo "the pig": Attorney Fledderman explained Ordinance 2022-6-13 to all in attendance. First reading was approved by a motion from Mark and a second from Debbie. All Ayes.
New Business: Clerk, asks for August meeting to be changed to another date. August 15, 2022 will be the date of next meeting.
Speed tables on Country Club Dr.: Derek will get bid from O'Mara next week. Attorney Fledderman suggests getting two bids.
Solicitation requests for Sons of American Legion and Friends of Milan football were approved by a motion from Debbie and a second by Mark. All ayes.
Misc. Business:
Miles Morris wanted an update on the work needing done to Hellers Trail. He was toid we are just waiting on Jeff Meinders.
Jane Vinup asked about the sidewalks at 64 Franklin and if they were ever going to be replaced.
Attorney Fledderman suggest this matter be looked into and taken under advisment. Mrs. Vinup, also asked about the tall grass along the RR track in town and if the garbage prices are going to increase. Debbie stated that CSX usually sprays along the tracks and that, yes, garbage prices will have to increase.
Clerk Treasurer, Debra Fugate Hackrnan addressed Council concerning a bill received from four years ago. Council voted to pay bill, by a motion from Mark and a second from Debbie.
Debbie stated that the town is working with the Museum to find funding for the installation of street lights.
Mark made motion to adjourn, Debbie seconded. All ayes. Meeting Adjourned.
Milan Town Council