Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, Council President, on Monday June 13,2022 at 6:30pm. Council members present were Deb Shumate and Mark Marsee. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of May were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, Deb Shumate made motion to approve, Mark Marsee seconded. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Mark, seconded by Debbie. All Ayes. Motion carried
Manager's Report: Same presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshal.
Milan Park Board Report: Submitted. Joyce Call resigned from Park Board, but stated she would be available to help out if needed. The board needs two additional members. State statute requires they must reside within city limits. Deb Shumate makes motion to appoint Tonya Marsee to Park Board, Mark Marsee seconds. All ayes.
Old Business: Attorney Fledderman presented TRECS program. This program will recover funds from taxes to pay delinquent utility bills. A resolution will need to be passed. Motion to appoint Debra Fugate Hackman as designee for program and approve memorandum of understanding agreement made by Mark Marsee, seconded by Debbie Shumate.
Ordinance 90, presented to Council. Mark made motion to approve, Debbie seconded. Second reading 7/11/22.
New Business: Romeo the pig was the first topic of business. After much discussion, Debbie stated we are working to find a solution. Debbie stated that the situation will be looked into and will be tabled until the July meeting.
4th of July parade was presented to Council. Parade will be Monday 7/7/22.
Tom Beard would like to put a playground on his property for the day care and a sign on Main St. for drop off and pick up. Playground would be up to the property owners discretion and if they purchase the sign, Doug would help with installation.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Miles Morris presented to Council his concern of the culvert under Heller's Trail. His property stays wet and the road is falling apart. Doug explained that this was a known issue and that a contractor had been hired to start the job.
The old Chris Volz farm was discussed with the Council, Rita Ester stating that it is in need of clean up. Weeds and trees are growing out of control. They also have a burn pile that blows smoke in their direction. This would be a county issue and she was instructed to contact the Ripley County Sheriff Dept if it happens again.
Public Hearing for Water System Improvement: Jill Curry and Hannah Garnett gave a report on cost and work to be done. Numerous citizens gave support of the project. Rod Johnson represented the Milan Volunteer Fire Dept. He stated that the lack of water pressure has caused major issues when fighting fires.
Miles Morris stated he has very hard water. He was informed we purchase water from Hoosier Hills.
Rod Johnson questioned the rate increase.
Milton Teer stated that pressure readings are causing a loss of businesses. Mark moves to adjourn meeting and Debbie Seconds. Meeting adjourned
Milan Town Council