On Monday, 12/11/2023 the Town Council meeting was called to order by Deb Shumate, Town Council President. Mark Marsee, Town Council member was also present. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Minutes: After reviewing the minutes, from the November 13, 2023 regular meeting, a motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve the minutes. Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims and payroll, a motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve. Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Town Manager Report: Report for November was submitted and presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall Report: Report for November was submitted by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: There was no report.
Old/Continuing Business:
Hoosier Hills Water Contract: After discussion with Lynn Fledderman, Town Attorney, about the Hoosier Hills Contract, a motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve the contract. Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Inventory of Items and Dollar Amounts: Deb Shumate, Town President, stated to the town employees that she would like to have the Asset Items/lnventory and the item costs, to be completed by the next meeting.
New Business:
CSX Invoice: After discussion with Lynn Fledderman, Town Attorney, she advised paying the invoice and that a Reservation of Rights letter accompany the payment. Mark Marsee made a motion to approve payment for the CSX Invoice and include a Reservation of Rights letter accompany the payment. Payment will be made from the Edit fund. Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Adjustment Request for Outstanding Items on Bank Reconciliations: Mark Marsee made a motion to approve adjustments for the items presented dated 2020-2022. Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Firemen's Contract: The Firemen's contract was tabled until next month.
Public Items/Comments on Agenda Items:
Mika Norman (Milan Laundry) Water Bill: Mr. Norman spoke to the board about his leak/water bill and asked the board for their assistance. The board stated they would take the information under advisement and get back with him.
Jeff French (Ripley County Planning Commission) Rezoning of Golf Course: Jeff French presented to the board the information about the rezoning of the 151 acres of the golf course known as Kelly's Hidden Acres from Residential to Local Business. He stated that the Planning Commission had voted in favor of the rezoning and now needed the Town of Milan to approve. A motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve the rezoning. Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried. (Rezoning Ordinance 121123)
There were no comments from the public.
As there was no further business to be conducted by the Town Council, Mark Marsee made a motion to adjourn and Deb Shumate seconded that motion. The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled to be held January 8, 2024 at 6:30 pm.