On Monday, 5/8/2023 the Town Council meeting was called to order by Deb Shumate, Town Council President. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the March 13, 2023 regular meeting and the March 30, 2023 Special Meeting was presented and reviewed. A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve these minutes. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. Motion carried.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims, payroll, and receipted in outstanding warrants from 3/14/2023-5/8/2023, a motion was made by Drew Olman to approve. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Public Hearing: Notice of Intent to Apply to USDA Rural Development was presented by Jill Curry of Curry & Associates. She also explained why the project was needed.
Town Manager Report: Report for March & April was submitted and presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall Report: Report for March & April was submitted by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Report for April was submitted by Derrick Helton.
Old/Continuing Business: There was no Old/Continuing Business to report on.
New Business: Kerry McConnell of the SIRPC presented the Grant Administration Contract, for administering the OCRA Grant, to the board for signing. A motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve the contract. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Melissa Teer, Clerk/Treasurer, asked the board for guidance, how to proceed with sanitation charges when a customer wants to stop service since Rumpke continues to charge the town. Under advisement of Lynn Fledderman, Town Attorney, the language for the sanitation costs was written as a monthly charge and trash service is not able to be stopped for short periods of time.
Town Assets were discussed.
Investments of Funds were discussed and tabled
Doug Price explained that an individual was interested in buying some of the land owned by the town. Under advisement of Lynn Fledderman, Town Attorney, the board explained that an executive meeting would need to be set up and the individual would need to explain how they would want to develop the land, at which point, the town would decide if they were interested in selling.
Doug Price presented to the board a program through Duke Energy for upgrading the street lighting to LED. With the program the town would save approximately $430.00 a month. A motion was made by Mark Marsee to proceed with the study. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Comments and Concerns from the Public: Kendra Fluegeman, supplied pictures and discussed the washing out of her driveway on 725 E., she believes it to be from the Dam being lowered. Under advisement from Lynn Fledderman, Town Attorney, the board explained they will look over the pictures and get back with Ms. Fleugeman.
Mike Byrd explained his concerns on the date of the utility bills being due on the 29th of the month.
Bobby Bartlett explained his concerns about a business being ran out of 107 Preble St. which is zoned as residential.
Melissa Teer, on behalf of the Milan Fireworks Fund, asked for permission to have a road block on 6/17/2023. She also asked for a donation towards the July 4rth Fireworks. A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the roadblock and wave the fee. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried. The donation was tabled.
As there was no further business to be conducted by the Town Council, Drew Olman made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled to be held June 12, 2023 at 6:30 pm.