On Monday, 11/13/2023 the Town Council meeting was called to order by Deb Shumate, Town Council President. Drew Olman and Mark Marsee, Town Council members, were also present. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Minutes: After reviewing the minutes, from the October 16, 2023 regular meeting, October 16th, October 18th 3pm, October 18th 6:30pm, October 19th, and October 23rd Special Meetings a motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the minutes. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims and payroll, a motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Town Manager Report: Report for October was submitted and presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall Report: Report for October was submitted by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Report for October was submitted by Derek Helton, Park Board President.
Old/Continuing Business:
New Business:
Amendment to Salary Resolution: After reading the Amendment to the Salary Resolution, a motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the amendment. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
SIRPC Member Appointment: Mark Marsee made a motion to re-appoint Doug Price. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Hoosier Hills Water Contract: Tabled until next meeting.
Public Items/Comments on Agenda Items:
Jeannie Greive spoke to the board about the sink holes next to the sidewalk in her yard. Doug Price will go by and check on them again to see what needs done.
Solicitation Approval for Basketing for Music: A motionwas made by Drew Olman to approve the solicitation request. Mark Marsee secondedthat motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Solicitation Approval for Legacy Softball: A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the solicitation request. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and motion carried.
Sally Gosmeyer thanked the town for asking Ronnie Meyer to put up a fence around Marathon. She also stated the business on the corner of W. Carr St. and Mill St. looks really bad.
As there was no further business to be conducted by the Town Council, Drew Olman made a motion to adjourn and Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled to be held December 11, 2023, at 6:30 pm.